Reward System

Cookies & Similar Technologies


Reward System uses the following cookies:

Cookie Type Purpose
ci_session Necessary To show status messages while interacting with the system
csrf_token_cookie Necessary To secure form usage
ta_token Necessary To keep users logged in

Reward System does not use tracking or analytics cookies and all resources are served from the domain.

Local Storage

Local Storage is a common browser technology to store settings and data in a user's browser. This information is not directly transmitted back to our servers. Reward System uses the following Local Storage:

Local Storage Type Purpose
app_news_comment_student_ids Necessary To store the students selected on the Add News pages between page loads
group_news_order_by Necessary To store the Order Students by field on the Group News page between pages loads
group_news_student_group_id Necessary To store the Student Group field on the Group News page between pages loads
group_news_student_selected Necessary To store the list of students selected on the Group News page between pages loads
homework_student_group_id Necessary To store the Student Group or Staff Member field on the Homework page between pages loads